Visiting Faculty (University of Oregon)

University of Oregon

Job ad submitted by: Tash O’Brien, University of Oregon

Job title: Visiting Faculty (University of Oregon)
Hiring institution: University of Oregon
Location: Eugene, Oregon | United States
Application deadline: 5/12/23; open until

The School of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the University of Oregon invites applications for two visiting professor positions (open rank) to teach in the undergraduate and the Master of Community and Regional Planning (CRP) program during the 2023-2024 academic year. Candidates with research and teaching interests in any planning area will be considered, provided that candidates can teach some of the required core courses (noted with asterisk).

The University of Oregon academic year consists of three 11-week terms (Sept 16-June 15). Generally, we anticipate hiring one individual in the area of land use/transportation and one in the area of environmental and social justice. Each visiting professor will teach six courses across three terms (this is the equivalent of two courses per semester in a semester context), which could include:

Land Use/Transportation/Analytical:

  • 613 Planning Analysis*
  • 4/534 Urban Geographic Information Systems
  • 399 Urban Transportation
  • 4/510 Transportation Policy
  • 440 Land Use Planning
  • 640 Land Use Policy*
  • 610 Visual Communications
  • 410 Visual Communications

Environmental and Social Justice:

  • 4/542 Sustainable Urban Development
  • 370 Global Sustainability
  • 445 Green Cities
  • 321 Inclusive Urbanism
  • 4/507 Tribal Governance
  • 399 Community Engagement
  • 205 Intro to City Planning
  • 399 Housing Justice

In your letter of interest, please specify which of the above courses from either list that you would be willing and able to teach.

The successful candidate will also be asked to serve as an academic advisor to 5-8 CRP students.


Preferred qualifications are a PhD in planning or related field, or a terminal degree in closely related field. ABD candidates will be considered.


Salary for the 9-month academic year is $70,000-$75,000 with a generous benefits package.

Teaching/Research/Service: 60/30/10


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