Governing Board Election Timetable

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September 2023

September 11, 2023
Board elections timetable is posted on the UAA website.
UAA Office sends the Nominations Committee a special memo identifying Board members who are exiting and those who are eligible for re-election. The memo specifies how many open board seats are to be filled.
Nominations Committee is given supporting documents such as the official Governing Board Member Responsibilities.
Nominations Committee is given current UAA membership list to verify membership status of any suggested nominee.
September 12, 2023
Email notices are sent to all members by the UAA Executive Office regarding the nominations period.
September 26, 2023
Deadline for informal suggestions (from UAA members) to the Nominations Committee Chair via the Recommendation to the Nominations Committee Form.
UAA Office sends informal suggestions to the Nominations Committee Chair.

October 2023

October 18, 2023
The Nominations Committee sends the initial list of nominees to the UAA Executive Director.
October 23, 2023
UAA Executive Office emails the Initial slate of nominees to all 2023 UAA members. Instructions for additional nominations by petition are included.
October 30, 2023
Deadline for nominations by petition to be sent to the UAA Office.
October 31, 2023
The UAA Executive Director verifies that the petitions have met the requirements for nomination and informs the Nominations Committee of any additions to the ballot.

November 2023

November 7, 2023
Online ballot established and voting begins. The UAA Executive Office sends voting instructions to current 2023 members via email.
November 21, 2023
Online voting closes at 5:00pm (CST).
November 27, 2023
UAA Executive Office informs the Nominations Committee Chair of voting outcomes.
Nominations Committee Chair informs candidates of election outcomes.
November 30, 2023
Election outcomes announced to the UAA Community.

April 2024

April 26, 2024
Election outcomes announced by the Nominations Committee Chair at the UAA Annual Business meeting.
Immediately following the Annual Business Meeting, the new Board meets in formal session. During this meeting, the Nominations Chair announces slate and voting outcomes for Board officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Note: only Board members vote in officer elections.
The Nominations Committee Chair introduces all members of the UAA Board (retiring, new and continuing), as well as officers, during one of the conference events.

May 2024

May 7, 2024
The UAA Executive Office shares the outcome of the election with the UAA Community via news alerts.