Best Paper in Urban Entrepreneurship Award (sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation)

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Throughout its 50-year history of academic conferences and sponsorship of peer-reviewed journals, the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) has sought to advance research that addresses the most pressing challenges to urban communities. Among the broad array of topics presented by researchers, the analysis of barriers to economic equity and self-sufficiency experienced by urban residents, particularly those in marginalized groups and neighborhoods, has been of primary concern. To support this type of research, UAA sought and received sponsorship from the Kauffman Foundation to create a special conference track on urban entrepreneurship. That track was finally realized in 2022 at the 50th Annual Conference in Washington DC.

In an effort to highlight the very best research in urban entrepreneurship, UAA established the Best Paper in Urban Entrepreneurship Award seeks to recognize high quality research presented in at the annual spring UAA conference.  This award is made to the author(s) of the paper judged by peer scholars as the best paper presented at the conference as part of the Kauffman Foundation track. The award is sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

DEADLINE: September 18, 2023 (11:59pm CST) – Last day to submit an application or nomination

Eligibility Criteria
Award Benefits
Selection Process
Past Recipients
Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the award:

  • Your paper must have been included as part of the Kauffman Urban Entrepreneurship Track at the prior year’s conference.
  • After the conference, you must submit your paper by the award submission deadline.
Apply for the Award
Award Benefits

The award recipients are given:

  • A special award plaque
  • A complimentary conference registration waiver (including meal + reception tickets) for each author for the conference at which the award is received (valued at $500+ USD)
  • An honorarium of $1,000 USD. Co-authors share the honorarium in an even division (e.g., two authors would each receive 50% of the fellowship) unless they decide on a different allocation.

The plaque will be presented at the Awards & Recognition Program held during the annual UAA Conference. Following the conference, a press release will be prepared announcing the recipient(s).

Selection Process

The award recipient is selected by a committee designated by the Chair of the Governing Board. The committee reports its decision to the Executive Director and the Chair of the Board. The Executive Director informs the award recipient of the outcome.

Past Recipients