2013 Best Conference Paper Award (for a paper presented at 2012 UAA Conference)

Jonathan Davies (DeMontfort Univ.-UK)-on the left, presents 2013 Best Conference Paper Award to Michael Leo Owens (Emory Univ.)
Jonathan Davies (DeMontfort Univ.-UK)-on the left, presents 2013 Best Conference Paper Award to Michael Leo Owens (Emory Univ.)

Award recipient(s):

Michael Leo Owens (Emory Univ.) and Jacob Robert Brown (London School of Economics and Political Science)


Award committee assessment:

In “Weakening Strong Black Political Empowerment: Implications from Atlanta’s 2009 Mayoral Election”, Owens and Brown have made a powerful and nuanced contribution to our understandings of black empowerment and the factors potentially eroding the basis of black political leadership in Atlanta, and indeed other cities in America.  This topical paper casts a light on the relationship between citizen participation and voting trends, while digging into the political impacts of gentrification, mass incarceration, outward migration and planning policy.  The paper conveys a complex story with a lightness of touch, which is sure to see it read widely in the urban studies, planning and political science communities, as well as by activists and practitioners concerned with the political economies of racial exclusion and justice.

Award committee:

Chair Jonathan S. Davies (DeMontfort Univ.-UK) Kimberly Nelson (Northern Illinois Univ.), Julia Nevarez (Kean Univ.), Jessica Varner, Gerard Wellman (California State Univ.-Stanislaus)

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