Application Guidelines

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I. Who Is Eligible to Apply for a Chapter?

Any formally organized academic unit that engages in education in the field of urban studies, broadly defined, may apply to establish a chapter. A “formally organized unit or organization” is defined as an operational entity possessing attributes such as a budgeted staff, office space, website presence, and a professional head. Such units must operate within a fully accredited institution of higher education.

II. Process for Establishing a Campus Chapter

  1. Pre-approval Application Process
    1. Obtain letters of institutional support from administrative leaders
    2. Obtain commitments from faculty and/or administrative staff to serve as Faculty Advisor (REQUIRED), and members of an Advisory Council  (OPTIONAL)
    3. Prepare chapter bylaws document (Model Chapter Bylaws)
    4. Prepare and submit the online Upsilon Sigma Chapter Application Form
    5. Upon receipt of approval letter from National Office, pay required UAA Institutional Membership dues.
    6. Once the annual dues are received, the National Office will send the formal charter document.
  2. Pre-approval Application Process
    1. After receiving charter, identify and issue induction invitations to eligible students
    2. Collect induction fees from eligible student candidates and submit online to National Office via the Induction List and Invoice Request Submission Form.
      Note: The National Office provides an honor society certificate for each paid eligible student.
    3. Conduct a formal induction ceremony
    4. Hold initial organizing meeting of inducted members
    5. Elect executive officers according to procedures established in chapter bylaws
    6. Engage in activities deemed appropriate for the chapter in accord with its bylaws
    7. Submit the online Annual Chapter Report Form (available May 1) describing first year of chapter activities

III. Chapter Application Approval Process and Timetable

  1. Application Preliminary Review (National Office)

    All chapter applications are submitted to the National Office of Upsilon Sigma. The National Office checks the applications to verify that all required materials have been submitted. Once the check is completed, applications are forwarded to the UAA Ad Hoc Committee on the Honor Society.  Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the Ad Hoc Committee.

  2. Application Review (Ad Hoc Committee on the Honor Society)

    The Ad Hoc Committee reviews chapter applications twice each academic year, once in the Fall and again in the Spring. Specific review dates will be established each year. Deadlines for the receipt of application materials will be established to allow sufficient time for initial application checks and forwarding to the Ad Hoc Committee.

    In the event that an application is rejected, the Ad Hoc Committee will indicate the reasons for this decision and suggest ways to remediate if possible. Revised applications are reviewed under the same timetable as new submissions.

  3. Application Deadlines for the Academic Year
    • Spring
      • February 1: Chapter application materials due at National Office
      • March 1: Applicants informed of Ad Hoc Committee decisions by the National Office.
    • Summer 
      • July 1: Chapter application materials due at National Office
      • August 1: Applicants informed of Ad Hoc Committee decisions by the National Office.
    • Fall 
      • November 1: Chapter application materials due at National Office
      • December 1: Applicants informed of Ad Hoc Committee decisions by the National Office.
  4. Receipt of Charter

    Once an approved chapter has paid its UAA institutional membership dues, the National Office will send the charter document within 30 days or less.

  5. Receipt of Honor Society Certificates

    Once the charter is received, the chapter may submit an initial list of inductees and the required inductee fees to National Office via the Induction List and Invoice Request Submission Form. After the list and induction fees are received by the National Office, the chapter will receive honor society certificates for inductees within 30 days or less.

IV. Resources